Cleaners Accidents at work
Cleaners Accidents at work
Every year ijn the UK over 3000 reports are made by cleaning staff to the health and safety Executive (HSE) relating to serious accidents while at work, with 422 cases between 2003 to 2006 caused by slips or trips and a further 57 associated with height. Last year alone 2206 major incidnets were reported, most of whihc had the potential to cause a number of long term conditions, including repetitive strain injury, hand arm vibration Syndrome (HAVS), astma and dermatitis.
In recent years competition for cleaning contracts has increased productivity and cost cutting amoungst both private cleaning services and in-house, with several research surveys reporting a lack of or poor training at the workplace, tighter deadlines and intensified workloads owing a reduction in staff numbers as well as lone working at unsocialable hours- all factors which can increase health and safety risks. Greenfield believe that a small percentage of compaines ensure there clients receive the cheapest service often at the expense of service quality, employees working conditions and access to training.
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